Modern Healthcare 
(12/17, Kutscher, Subscription Publication) reports, "Dialysis and kidney-care providers are taking issue with a Government Accountability Office report released this month that found the government may be over-paying for end-stage renal disease treatment. The report 
[pdf] called on the CMS to re-examine the amount it's paying for dialysis care, arguing that the agency bases its bundled payment rates on five-year-old drug utilization trends that are no longer current." The report "added that if the payments accurately reflected current prescribing trends for end-stage renal disease, Medicare would have saved at least $650 million in 2011, up to as much as $880 million -- and that those savings are only forecasted to grow." Modern Healthcare adds, "Dr. Thomas Hostetter, chairman of the public policy board at the American Society of Nephrology, noted that he agreed with the 'raw findings' of the report concerning decreased utilization. But, he noted, 'I think the biggest concern is that this is such a widely fluctuating area right now.'"
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