USA Today 
(9/17, Hellmich) reports, "Kids are eating as much salt as adults, and those consuming the highest amounts of sodium have a two or three times greater risk of having high blood pressure as kids who down the least amount, says a study 
" published in Pediatrics. Investigators "with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed the diets of 6,235 children, ages eight to 18." The researchers found "that children are consuming an average of almost 3,400 milligrams of sodium a day, about the same as adults."
The Wall Street Journal 
(9/17, A2, McKay, Subscription Publication) reports that the study's lead author, Quanhe Yang, a CDC scientist, said, "We found a significant association between high sodium intake and high blood pressure among all the kids we studied, but it was magnified among kids who were overweight or obese." The investigators found that, among normal-weight children, the risk of developing prehypertension or hypertension increased 6% for each 1,000 mgs of sodium taken in daily. However, the risk increased 74% for overweight or obese participants.
The AP 
(9/17) reports, "Yang says it's unclear why heavier kids would be more sensitive to salt but it could be due to obesity-related hormone changes." The findings "raise concerns because studies have shown that elevated blood pressure in childhood, even just prehypertension, can lead to full-fledged high blood pressure in adulthood and potentially premature heart disease."
MedPage Today 
(9/17, Phend) reports, "The synergy of weight and sodium intake has been hypothesized to be 'related to the effects of hyperinsulinemia and hyperaldosteronism and to relatively high activity of the sympathetic nervous system among obese adolescents,' the researchers pointed out."
Study: Many US Adults With Health Insurance Have Uncontrolled Hypertension. American Medical News 
(9/17, Moyer) reports, "Data show that 66.9 million Americans have hypertension, and 53.5% of them don't have the condition under control." Meanwhile, "among those with uncontrolled hypertension, 89.4% report a usual source of medical care and 85.2% have health insurance, according to a study 
in the Sept. 7 issue of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report." Amy L. Valderrama, PhD, RN, a CDC epidemiologist, and lead author of the study, "said using electronic health records can help physicians identify patients with hypertension by alerting them to consecutive elevated blood pressure readings." The article also quotes CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH, as saying, "We have to roll up our sleeves and make blood pressure control a priority every day, with every patient, at every doctor's visit."
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