An FDA advisory panel's recommendation regarding hydrocodone restrictions received a substantial amount of coverage in print, online, and on two of last night's national news broadcasts. Some sources pointed out that the FDA was likely to adopt the recommendation. Additionally, many sources pointed out that the recommendation did face some criticism, particularly from pain patient advocacy groups.
The CBS Evening News (1/25, story 9, 0:15, Pelley, 5.58M) reported that "an FDA advisory panel" has "recommended new restrictions on prescriptions and refills" of products containing hydrocodone.
ABC World News (1/25, story 8, 0:30, Sawyer, 7.43M) reported, "The FDA is expected to follow the recommendation making it more difficult to get those drugs prescribed because of all the abuse."
The Los Angeles Times (1/26, Girion, 692K) reports that the panel "recommended Friday that the agency reclassify a Schedule II narcotic, placing it in the same category as other widely abused medications," such as "fentanyl." Should the agency approve "the change, patients would be able to get fewer hydrocodone pills at one time, and there would be more restrictions on refills. In addition, pharmacies would have to follow stricter procedures for handling and storing the drug."
The New York Times (1/26, Tavernise, Subscription Publication, 1.68M) reports, however, that "at 19 to 10, the vote was far from unanimous, with some opponents expressing skepticism that the change would do much to combat abuse." Still, the Times points out that "the drug agency is likely to follow" the recommendation.
The AP (1/25) reports, "FDA officials closed the meeting by acknowledging the difficulty of combating hydrocodone abuse, while keeping the drugs available for patients who legitimately need them." Douglas Throckmorton, the agency's deputy director for regulatory programs, said, "There is an unquestioned epidemic of opioid abuse, overdose and death in this country, an epidemic we need to address as a society."
The Wall Street Journal (1/26, Catan, Martin, Subscription Publication, 2.29M) points out that the FDA has previously rejected prior requests by the Drug Enforcement Administration to reclassify products containing hydrocodone.
CNN (1/25, Smith) reports that "pain patient advocacy groups and pharmaceutical companies, among others, fear that reclassification will make it harder for patients to get medications they need." Bloomberg News (1/26, Edney) also covers the story.
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