
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Gastric-bypass surgery may lead to better diabetes control.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune (6/5, Lerner, 335K) reports that a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that patients with diabetes who underwent “gastric-bypass surgery not only lost weight but also doubled their chances of achieving healthy levels of cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure a year later.”
        The AP (6/5, Tanner) reports, however, that approximately “a third of the 60 adults who got bypass surgery in developed serious problems within a year of the operation, though some cases were not clearly linked with the surgery.” The researchers found that “for the most serious complications – infections, intestinal blockages and bleeding – the rate was 6 percent, slightly higher than in” previous studies.
        MedPage Today (6/5) reports that “in an accompanying editorial, Bruce Wolfe, MD, of Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, and colleagues wrote that the study ‘adds to the literature in important ways,’ noting that it overcame limitations of prior randomized trials of bariatric surgery by being multicenter and looking only at the Roux-en-Y procedure.”
        HealthDay (6/5, Gordon) reports on that study, as well as a separate JAMA study that “was a review of previous research on non-morbidly obese people with type 2 diabetes.”
        MedPage Today (6/5, Walsh) reports that the researchers found that “bariatric surgery led to greater weight loss and better glycemic control than nonsurgical treatment among patients with diabetes who were mildly obese.” However, “the evidence for long-term efficacy and safety remains limited,” the “systematic review found.” Heartwire (6/5) reports on both studies.

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