The AP 
(8/21, Marchione) reports that a study 
published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology of
"four million people -- the largest ever on heart risks that run in
families -- found that having a close relative die young of
cardiovascular disease doubles a person's odds of developing it by age
50." The study found that "losing two or more close relatives to
cardiovascular disease by age
60 more than tripled the odds that someone would develop it before age
50," while "having a less-immediate family member, such as a
grandparent, die young of cardiovascular disease also modestly increased
a person's risk of early-onset heart disease -- by 19 percent." The
study took account of a number of alternate explanations for increased
risk, but "had no information on smoking habits."
(8/21, Reinberg) reports, "Death of a first-degree relative from
cardiovascular causes before age 50 appears to double your risk of heart
disease. If the deceased had not reached 35, that risk rises as much as
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