The Time 
(8/10, Sifferlin) "Healthland" blog reported that a new study 
published online August 10 in the Journal of the National Cancer
Institute and conducted by "researchers from the Epidemiology Research
Program at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta" based on "data on
100,139 predominantly white men and women over age 60 with no history of
cancer, who participated in the Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition
Cohort" found
"fresh evidence that popping a daily aspirin is associated with a lower
risk of dying from cancer." The data included surveys of the
participants regarding aspirin use in 1992-93, 1997, "and every two
years thereafter until 2003." The data showed that "those taking a
daily dose of aspirin for at least five years had a 16% lower risk of
cancer death than" non-takers with "overall reduction in risk...driven
by a 40% lower mortality risk from gastrointestinal tract cancers."
(8/10, Joelving) reported that the result was less pronounced than in a
study published earlier this year finding a 37 percent drop overall in
cancer risk after 5 years of daily aspirin use.
MedPage Today 
(8/10, Walsh) reported the study found that "individuals who were
current daily users for 5 years or more at baseline had an 8% decrease
in cancer mortality compared with non-users," while "the association was
stronger, with a 16% decrease for those with daily use for 5 years or
more, when the analysis included data collected periodically during 2
decades of follow-up." In the study, "baseline aspirin users tended to
be more educated, former smokers, and obese, as well as to have a
history of cardiovascular disease and
diabetes. Male users also were more likely to have a history of prostate
specific antigen (PSA) testing, and women users were more likely to
have a history of mammography."
(8/10, Reinberg) reported, "Aspirin's possible side effects -- notably
the higher risk of bleeding episodes -- need to be taken into account
when considering its use."
(8/10, Lowry) added, "In an accompanying editorial, John A. Baron, MD,
from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill,
writes that 'overall, the well-conducted ACS study is an echo of other
data on aspirin and cancer mortality, not a resounding confirmation.'"
He also "urges caution with regard to the widespread recommendation to
use aspirin to prevent cancer."
The Daily Telegraph (UK) 
(8/10, Collins) reported, "A study of more than 100,000 healthy people
found that those who took a dose of aspirin every day were two fifths
less likely to develop and die from stomach, oesophageal or colorectal
cancer in the following decade. They also had a 12 per cent lower risk
of dying from other cancers."
NBC News 
(8/10) reported in its "Vitals" blog, "The yearly rate of death from
cancer among men who did not take aspirin was 596 deaths per 100,000
people. The rate was 493 deaths per 100,000 people among men who took
daily aspirin. For women, the yearly rates of death were 337 deaths per
100,000 among those who did not take aspirin, and 295 deaths per 100,000
among those who took daily aspirin."
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