Saturday, December 31, 2011
EMA To Review Aliskiren-Containing Medicines.
(12/23, Sandle, De Sa'pinto) reports the European Medicines Agency
announced Thursday that it is reviewing medicines containing aliskiren
due to the ALTITUDE study, which showed that Novartis' Rasilez
[aliskiren] did not appear to benefit patients. In addition, patients
on aliskiren had more adverse effects including renal complications,
hyperkalemia, hypotension, and stroke. Also covering the story is Dow Jones Newswire 
(12/23, Baba, Subscription Publication).
Some Dems Ask Sebelius To Reject Lowering Of Medical Loss Ratio.
The Dallas Morning News 
(12/23) reports, "On Thursday, eight Democratic US House members from
Texas jumped into a fray over state insurance regulators' request for
delay of a federal rule that sets medical-spending minimums for health
insurers. They announced they'd written US Health and Human Services
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, asking her to reject Texas' bid to allow
insurers to devote 71 percent of individuals' premiums to medical care
and quality improvements this year, 74
percent next year and 77 percent in 2013," instead of the 80% that
healthcare reform currently requires. The Morning News lists the House
members who signed the letter.
CDC Recommends Hep B Vaccine For Adults With Diabetes.
(12/23, Preidt) reports, "Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for
all unvaccinated adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes aged 19 to 59,"
according to new guidelines 
issued by the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
and published in the Dec. 23 issue of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report, a publication of the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. The guidelines advise that "vaccination should be done as
soon as possible after
adults in this age group are diagnosed with diabetes."
"Citing more limited data for older diabetics, committee members left
the decision about whether to vaccinate diabetic adults 60 and older to
the treating clinician," MedPage Today 
(12/23, Neale) reports. "The decision should be based on the risk of
becoming infected with HBV -- including a consideration of the need for
assisted blood glucose monitoring in long-term-care facilities -- and
the likelihood of an adequate immune response to vaccination, which
decreases with age." The recommendations say, however, that "no
vaccination is
necessary in patients who have been fully immunized at any point in the
Senators Seeking Thorough Review Of Graduate Medical Education System.
(12/23, Norman, Subscription Publication) reports that in a bipartisan
effort, seven senators "are asking the Institute of Medicine to do a
thorough review of the nation's system of graduate medical education
(GME) that funds medical residencies." In a Dec. 22 letter "to the IOM,
the senators said they would like to see an independent review of the
governance and financing of the GME system, including inequities in
funding across states based on their needs and capacity." The letter
stated, "We believe our GME system is under
increasing stress and the projections for our health care workforce are
of significant concern." It added, "There is growing concern that the
United States is failing to adequately match medical training with our
medical needs on a national level." The authors of the letter were Jeff
Bingaman (D-NM), Tom Udall (D-NM), Mark Udall (D-CO), Michael Bennet
(D-CO), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Charles Grassley (R-IA), and Michael D. Crapo
Translating knowledge on best practice into improving quality of RRT care: a systematic review of implementation strategies.
PMID: 21775971
van der Veer SN, Jager KJ, Nache AM, et al.
Kidney Int. 2011 Nov;80(10):1021-34. doi: 10.1038/ki.2011.222. Epub 2011 Jul 20. (Review)
Abstract Recent studies showed wide variation in the extent to which guidelines and other types of best practice have been implemented as part of routine health care. This is also true for the delivery of renal replacement therapy (RRT) for ESRD patients. Increasing uptake of best practice within such complex care systems requires an understanding of implementation strategies and specific quality improvement (QI) techniques. Therefore, we systematically reviewed over 5000 titles published since 1990 and included papers describing planned attempts to accelerate uptake of best RRT practice into daily care. This resulted in a list of 93 QI initiatives, categorized in order to expedite shared learning. The majority of the initiatives were executed within the domains of vascular access, nutrition, and anemia management. Strategies oriented at patients were most common and many initiatives pre-defined an improvement target before starting implementation. Of the 93 initiatives, 22 were sufficiently robust methodologically to be analyzed in more detail. Our results tend to support previous findings that multifaceted strategies are more effective than single strategies. Improving our understanding of how to successfully implement best practice can inform system-level change and is the only way to close the gap between knowledge on what works and the actual care delivered to ESRD patients. Research into implementation, using specific QI techniques, should therefore be given priority in future.
van der Veer SN, Jager KJ, Nache AM, et al.
Kidney Int. 2011 Nov;80(10):1021-34. doi: 10.1038/ki.2011.222. Epub 2011 Jul 20. (Review)
Abstract Recent studies showed wide variation in the extent to which guidelines and other types of best practice have been implemented as part of routine health care. This is also true for the delivery of renal replacement therapy (RRT) for ESRD patients. Increasing uptake of best practice within such complex care systems requires an understanding of implementation strategies and specific quality improvement (QI) techniques. Therefore, we systematically reviewed over 5000 titles published since 1990 and included papers describing planned attempts to accelerate uptake of best RRT practice into daily care. This resulted in a list of 93 QI initiatives, categorized in order to expedite shared learning. The majority of the initiatives were executed within the domains of vascular access, nutrition, and anemia management. Strategies oriented at patients were most common and many initiatives pre-defined an improvement target before starting implementation. Of the 93 initiatives, 22 were sufficiently robust methodologically to be analyzed in more detail. Our results tend to support previous findings that multifaceted strategies are more effective than single strategies. Improving our understanding of how to successfully implement best practice can inform system-level change and is the only way to close the gap between knowledge on what works and the actual care delivered to ESRD patients. Research into implementation, using specific QI techniques, should therefore be given priority in future.
FDA Approves Generic BP Medication Eprosartan.
The AP 
(12/28) reports, "Mylan Inc. said Tuesday that the Food and Drug
Administration approved the drugmaker's generic version of the high
blood pressure treatment eprosartan [Teveten]." The company stated that
"it is now shipping generic Teveten in strengths of 400 milligrams and
600 milligrams" and "it will have six months of marketing exclusivity."
CMS To Reduce Medicare Payments For 30% Of ESRD Centers.
In continuing coverage, American Medical News 
(12/27) reported in its "News in Brief" section that "Medicare payments
to about 1,500 end-stage renal disease facilities will be reduced by up
to 2% in 2012, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
announced Dec. 15." CMS explained that "the pay rate adjustments are
the result of a value-based purchasing program involving nearly 5,000
facilities during the 2010 reporting year, during which the government
measured facilities' anemia management and
dialysis adequacy. Nearly 70% of those facilities achieved high scores
on the quality measures and will not be penalized in 2012, CMS said."
The item quoted CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner, who stated, "The
real purpose of value-based purchasing is to raise the bar on quality,
and that's exactly what CMS is aiming to do for Medicare patients who
have" end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
Most Patients Rate Their Own Physicians Very Highly.
American Medical News 
(12/27, O'Reilly) reported, "Even as physicians face increasing
pressure to perform well on measures of patient satisfaction, they may
take some comfort in knowing that most patients rate their own doctors
very highly." Research "based on nearly 15,000 patient online ratings
between 2004 to 2010" indicated that "the average physician rating is
9.3 out of 10." American Medical News added, "The less time that
patients spend in the waiting room and the more
time they spend in the exam room with a physician, the higher the
doctor's rating, the study said." The research was published in Health
Outcomes Research in Medicine.
Medical Group Report Features Malpractice Claims Costs.
Modern Healthcare 
(12/25, Robeznieks, Subscription Publication) reported, "A physician's
average cost for defending a malpractice claim was more than $47,000
and the average payout was almost $332,000 in 2010, according to a
report from the American Medical Association." In addition, "also
stated that in 2010, 63.7% of all closed claims were either dropped,
withdrawn or dismissed-but still cost almost $27,000 to defend and
accounted for more than one-third of total defense expenses for the
year." The AMA "report highlights how rates
continue to climb and how obstetricians/gynecologists and surgeons in
New York are now paying premiums of almost $207,000 and $129,000
Smoking During Pregnancy May Lead To Arterial Damage In Offspring.
MedPage Today 
(12/27, Walsh) reported, "Maternal smoking during pregnancy can lead
to arterial damage detectable in the offspring at five years, yet
three-quarters of parents of young children continued to smoke after
participating in smoking cessation programs," according to a study 
published in the January issue of Pediatrics. The researchers
"analyzed data from a prospective population-based study that
included 259 children" and found that "children whose mothers smoked
while pregnant had carotid artery intima-media thickness 18.8 µm thicker
(95% CI 1.1 to 36.5, P=0.04) than those with no prenatal smoke
exposure" and "also had arterial distensibility that was 15% (95% CI
−0.3 to −0.02, P=0.02) lower." An accompanying editorial 
observed that "more work needs to be done to elucidate the relationship between fetal exposure and later life
complications." WebMD 
(12/26, Rubin) also reported this story.
Few Trials Examine Effects Of A Drug In Patients With Multiple Chronic Conditions.
This is advice that all physicians (young and old) need to remember in this age of "Evidence Based Medicine".
MedPage Today
(12/28, Walker) reports, "Few major randomized, controlled clinical
trials examine the effects of a drug in patients who have multiple
chronic conditions, even though more than one-quarter of all Americans
are living with at least two chronic health conditions," according to "a
research letter 
published in the Dec. 28 issue of the Journal of the American Medical
Association." Meanwhile, "the proportion is even
greater for older individuals, two out of three of whom are likely to
have at least two chronic health conditions, according to Alejandro
Jadad, MD, and colleagues from the Centre for Health, Wellness and
Cancer Survivorship at the University Health Network in Toronto." This
"means that most trials on which the FDA bases its approval of new drugs
are not generalizable to the US population."
MedPage Today
Sodium-Potassium Ratio May Be More Important Than Total Sodium Intake.
The New York Times 
(12/26, D7, Brody, Subscription Publication) reported in "Personal
Health" that research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine
"found that while a diet high in sodium -- salt is the main source --
increases your risk" of heart disease, "even more important is the ratio
of sodium (harmful) to potassium (protective) in one's diet." One of
the study's authors, Dr. Elena V. Kuklina, a nutritional epidemiologist
at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said, "We controlled
for all the major cardiovascular
risk factors and still found an association between the sodium-potassium
ratio and deaths from heart disease." The Times points out that,
"according to an Institute of Medicine report on sodium released last
year, 'No one is immune to the adverse health effects of excessive
sodium intake.'"
Copyright and Open Access at the Bedside
This is an interesting "PERSPECTIVE" article
NEJM Article
NEJM Article
John C. Newman, M.D., Ph.D., and Robin Feldman, J.D.
N Engl J Med 2011; 365:2447-2449December 29, 2011
- Article
- References
- For three decades after its publication, in 1975, the Mini–Mental State Examination (MMSE) was widely distributed in textbooks, pocket guides, and Web sites and memorized by countless residents and medical students. The simplicity and ubiquity of this 30-item screening test — covering such functions as arithmetic, memory, language comprehension, visuospatial skills, and orientation — made it the de facto standard for cognitive screening. Yet all that time, it was under copyright protection. In 2000, its authors, Marshal Folstein, Susan Folstein, and Paul McHugh, began taking steps to enforce their rights, first transferring the copyright to MiniMental, a corporation the Folsteins founded, and then in 2001 granting a worldwide exclusive license to Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR) to publish, distribute, and manage all intellectual property rights.1,2 A licensed version of the MMSE can now be purchased from PAR for $1.23 per test. The MMSE form is gradually disappearing from textbooks, Web sites, and clinical tool kits.1Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at
Clinicians' response to this “lockdown” has been muted. A few commentators have expressed concern about continuing to use a now-proprietary tool in training2 or about implications for the developing world,1 echoing debates about patented pharmaceuticals. In our experience, many clinicians are either unaware of the MMSE's copyright restrictions or simply ignore them, despite the risk of copyright infringement.
But then in March 2011, a promising new cognitive screening tool that was to be available through “open access,” the Sweet 16 — a 16-item assessment of thinking, learning, and memory developed by Harvard's Tamara Fong3 — was removed from the Internet at the request of PAR in an apparent copyright dispute.4 The Sweet 16 includes orientation and three-object recall items, similar to the MMSE's, along with a digit-span item. This action, unprecedented for a bedside clinical assessment tool, has sent a chill through the academic community; clearly, clinicians and researchers can no longer live in blissful ignorance of copyright.
Copyright derives from one of the few powers explicitly mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Any new intellectual work is under copyright protection automatically from the moment it is fixed in a tangible medium of expression — a category now including blog posts, iPhone apps, and cognitive screening tools. Copyright law grants the author (or owner, for copyright can be transferred) exclusive rights to copy the work, distribute it, make works derivative of it, and perform or display it publicly. These rights last for 70 years past the date of the author's death, or up to 120 years from the time of creation if the work was done “for hire.” This duration has been retroactively extended several times, so that works published as early as 1923 may remain under copyright today (and will until at least 2019).
For persons or entities other than the copyright holder to copy or distribute a work, they must have permission from the owner, usually in the form of a license. Copying or distribution without permission is copyright infringement and carries stiff civil or even criminal penalties. There is limited protection under “fair use” law for certain nonprofit uses of limited parts of a work — for example, for teaching or research — but that exception is narrower than it sounds. One need not have intended to infringe someone's copyright to be subject to damages of up to $30,000 per work, and willful infringers pay up to $150,000 — and may, under certain circumstances, be subject to a jail term.
For clinicians, the risk of infringement is real. Photocopying or downloading the MMSE probably constitutes infringement; those who publish the MMSE on a Web site or pocket card could incur more severe penalties for distribution. Even more chilling is the “takedown” of the Sweet 16, apparently under threat of legal action from PAR (although PAR has not commented publicly). Are the creators of any new cognitive test that includes orientation questions or requires a patient to recall three items subject to action by PAR? However disputable the legal niceties, few physicians or institutions would want to have to argue their case in court.
The MMSE case may be a harbinger of more to come. Many clinical tools we take for granted, such as the Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living, fall into the same “benign neglect” copyright category as the MMSE did before 2000. At any time, they might be pulled back behind a wall of active copyright enforcement by the authors or their heirs.
What can researchers do to ensure that our colleagues can use the tools we develop to improve patient care? One option is to essentially place works in the public domain by declaring free and open rights for all users. The Geriatric Depression Scale, the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) depression scale, and the Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) cognitive assessment tool are all in the public domain. That domain, however offers no mechanism for ensuring that authors are recognized or compensated and no means of guaranteeing that later improvements will be made freely available. The ability to improve a clinical tool is crucial. Even licenses granting wide permission to copy, such as those of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and the Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) scale, while laudable, might still inhibit innovation by permitting legal challenges to improved tools perceived as derivative (as may have been the case with Sweet 16 and the MMSE).
A better solution is to apply the principle of “copyleft” from the open-source technology movement to encourage innovation and access while protecting authors' rights. Copyleft is intellectual jujitsu that uses copyright protection to guarantee the right of anyone to use, modify, copy, and distribute a work, as long as it and any derivatives remain under the same license. The author retains the right to offer the work under a different license simultaneously — for example, giving a company specific license to commercialize the work without copyleft protections. Popular copyleft licenses include the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license and the GNU Free Documentation License.
Google, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter all use open-source software at the heart of their products, because there is a clear economic benefit to using well-tested, well-validated, continually improved software in the core of complex products. Similarly, there is a clear clinical benefit to using well-tested, well-validated, continually improved clinical tools in complex patient care — as demonstrated by the MMSE's use before 2000. In a sense, copyleft is how academic medicine has always been assumed to work.2 Restrictive licensing of such basic tools wastes resources, prevents standardization, and detracts from efforts to improve patient care.
We suggest that authors of widely used clinical tools provide explicit permissive licensing, ideally with a form of copyleft. Any new tool developed with public funds should be required to use a copyleft or similar license to guarantee the freedom to distribute and improve it, similar to the requirement for open-access publication of research funded by the National Institutes of Health.5 The solution can be as simple as placing a copy of the tool on the authors' Web site, with a statement naming or linking to the license. Clinicians and researchers would be free to use, copy, and improve the tool; improvements would have to offer a similar copyleft license, perpetuating the benefits. Yet authors would maintain ownership and copyright of their tool and could profit by licensing it for a fee to commercial users or publishers who wished to include it in a non-copyleft work.
The restrictions on the MMSE's use present clinicians with difficult choices: increase practice costs and complexity, risk copyright infringement, or sacrifice 30 years of practical experience and validation to adopt new cognitive assessment tools. By embracing the principles of copyleft licensing, we can avoid such setbacks and build a more open future of continually improving patient care.
Source Information
From the Division of Geriatrics, San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and the University of California San Francisco (J.C.N.); and the Law and Bioscience Project, University of California Hastings College of the Law (R.F.) — all in San Francisco.
Researchers Find Bacteria Lurking In Unused Paper Towels.
(12/29, Goodman) reports, "Grabbing a paper towel in a public restroom
may leave more on your hands than you bargained for," according to a
study published in the American Journal of Infection Control.
Investigators "say they've found bacteria, including some that are known
to make people sick, in unused paper towels." According to WebMD,
"Experts say the findings are probably most important for people in
hospital isolation units and those with weakened immune function who
need to be extra cautious about contact with germs."
Enoxaparin Plus Compression Stockings May Not Reduce Mortality In Severely Ill Patients.
(12/29, Mann) reports, "Severely ill hospital patients are at high
risk for developing potentially fatal blood clots, and often wear
compression stockings and/or take blood thinners to help lower this
risk. However, adding the blood thinner Lovenox (enoxaparin) to the mix
does not reduce their chances of dying from a blood clot, according to research 
appearing in the Dec. 29 issue of the New England Journal of
Medicine." For patients who "were given Lovenox, the risk of death from
any cause was 4.9 percent," while "this risk was 4.8 percent among those
participants who were given a placebo."
According to MedPage Today 
(12/29, Walsh), researchers "noted that, while thromboprophylaxis in
surgical patients has been shown to decrease the rate of lethal
pulmonary embolism, acutely ill medical patients may be at risk for
death from many causes other than pulmonary embolism, 'thus diminishing
the ability of pharmacologic prophylaxis to improve the overall clinical
outcome.'" In addition, the study took place in "193 centers, most of
which were in India or China," and "rates of
pulmonary embolism have been reported to be lower in Asia than in
Western countries." Other explanations include "that the use of
compression stockings alone was sufficient to prevent the development of
the venous clots that can ultimately lead to pulmonary embolism" or
"that their study population may have been at a lower risk for
thromboembolism than in other studies, by being younger and less likely
to be obese, as well as in having low rates of previous thromboembolic
Red, Grilled, Barbequed Meat May Be Linked To Kidney Cancer.
(12/29, Pittman) reports a study 
in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggesting that people
who eat high amounts of red, grilled, or barbequed meat may be at higher
risk of kidney cancer. In a study of 500,000 US adults, it was found
that eating the most red meat was linked with papillary cancers, but not
clear-cell kidney cancers. Participants who ate high amounts of
grilled and barbecued meat likewise had an increased risk of kidney
cancer. Researchers said the reason for the association is unclear and
emphasized that the data do not prove causation.
Laboratory generated blood successfully injected into human subject.
The Chicago Tribune (12/29) reports that according to a study
in published in the journal Blood, "red blood cells generated in a lab
have been successfully injected into a human volunteer for the first
time." French researchers extracted "hematopoetic stem cells
from a volunteer's bone marrow" and used various growth factors to
induce the cells to differentiate into red blood cells (RBC). "After
five days, 94 to 100 percent of the cells remained in circulation, while
after 26 days, 41 to 63 percent remained -- a survival rate comparable
to normal red blood cells. The cultured blood cells also gave every
indication of being safe to use. ... They behaved like normal red blood
cells, binding to oxygen and releasing it." While this result is
promising, researchers note that "next challenge is to scale up
production to a point where the cultured blood
cells can be made quickly and cheaply in sufficient quantities for blood
Australia warns of oseltamivir-resistant H1N1.
The Los Angeles Times
(12/29, Kaplan) "Booster Shots" blog reports that in Australia, which
has "wrapped up its flu season months ago," public health officials are
concerned by the finding that "in and around the Australian city of
Newcastle, the Tamiflu [oseltamivir]-resistant H1N1 virus was spreading
more easily among humans, according to a report
being published in Thursday's edition of the New England Journal of
Medicine." In a sample of 182 patients, 29 (16%) were resistant.
"Genetic analysis of the flu samples revealed that all of the 29
patients were infected with a single strain," but experts are unsure how
the strain was spread, since many patients "had no known epidemiologic
link." Researchers "warned flu experts in the Northern Hemisphere to be
on the lookout for this flu strain – or any other strain that is
resistant to Tamiflu – this winter."
(12/29, Mozes) reports that the resistant virus was also resistant to
"an older class of adamantine treatments (rimantadine and amantadine)."
However, "the resistant strains remained 'fully sensitive' to treatment
with another drug, Relenza (zanamivir)." Researcher Aeron C. Hurt, of
the World Health Organization, noted that in 2007/2008, when "the
pandemic 2009 A(H1N1) flu strain" developed resistance, "within 12
the virus had spread globally, such that virtually every A(H1N1) virus
around the world was resistant to [Tamiflu]." He expressed concern that
a similar situation will occur with this strain.
Lidless toilets contaminate surrounding areas with clostridium difficile.
(12/30, Laidman) reports, "Put a lid on it. That is the conclusion of
research examining the amount of Clostridium difficile that flies into
the air and contaminates surrounding surfaces with the flush of a
lidless toilet." The study,
published in online
Dec. 2 in the International Journal of Hospital Infection, "measured
airborne suspension of the bacteria in addition to surface contamination
by the bacteria after flushing of both lidless and lidded toilets" and
found that "air samples 25 cm above the commode, which is about the
height of the handle, contained C difficile, with the highest numbers
coming from samples taken immediately after flushing." In addition, the
"researchers also found the number of viable bacteria to be 12-fold
higher from open toilets compared with the same toilet when the lid was
Silent Strokes May Be Linked To Memory Loss In Older Patients Without Dementia.
ABC World News (12/29, story 7, 1:45, Muir) reported that
"silent strokes" may "explain that increasing memory loss over the
years," according to a new study 
On its website, ABC News 
(12/30) reports that investigators "looked at 658 participants with an
average age of 79 who had no history of dementia." Participants "were
administered a test that gauged their memory, language skills and
thinking abilities." The "researchers also measured the size of the
participants' hippocampus, crucial to the regulation of memory and
emotion, and they also administered an MRI brain scan."
(12/30, Mozes) reports, "The brain scans revealed that 174 of the
participants had experienced silent strokes, and the investigators found
that these seniors did not perform as well on the memory exams." The
"finding held regardless of whether the part of the patient's brain
responsible for memory (the hippocampus) was found to be relatively
small or not." The research was published online in the journal
MedPage Today 
(12/30, Phend) reports, "Just 66 of the participants reported having
had a clinical stroke, suggesting that 'brain infarction is largely a
silent injury.'" WebMD 
(12/30, Doheny) also covers the story.
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