ABC World News (2/1, story 8, 2:25, Sawyer) reported, "Here's a
surprising fact we learned today. There are more tanning salons in
America than there are Starbucks. It is a huge, booming business. But
some members of Congress warned today that it is also built on massive
deception." ABC News correspondent Jim Avila explained that "nearly two
years ago, the FDA's own experts, along with pediatricians and
dermatologists, recommended a ban on indoor tanning for minors. But the
tanning lobbyists have spent nearly $500,000 since, defending the
industry's health claims. And, so far, no
FDA action," despite the fact that "there is no safe indoor tan."
The National Journal (2/2, Sanger-Katz, Subscription Publication) reports, "A secret-shopper study
(pdf) by House Democratic staffers found that tanning-salon employees
routinely lied about the risks of indoor tanning, and frequently
provided misleading information
suggesting that tanning had health benefits." The investigative report,
"commissioned by the Energy and Commerce Committee minority staff,
involved interviews with 300 salons around the country. Staffers posed
as 16-year-old, fair-skinned girls, and asked salons whether tanning was
safe, whether it caused cancer specifically, and how often they should
visit, among other questions." The study found that "salons routinely
gave inaccurate information," with some 90% saying that tanning posed no
risks to health.
According to the USA Today
(2/2, Bacon) "On Deadline" blog, "the investigative report from the
minority staff of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce notes that
the American Academy of Pediatrics calls indoor tanning beds 'generally
unsafe for children' and recommends they be banned for kids under 18."
The report points out that "indoor tanning is a potent source of
ultraviolet radiation, especially UVA," and that "the UVA
radiation emitted by these devices can be as much as 10 to 15 times more
powerful than midday sunlight."
On its website, CBS News
(2/2, Cordes) points out that the "risk of melanoma goes up 75 percent
when tanning bed use begins before the age of 30." Currently, "melanoma
is the most common form of cancer among white women between 15 and 29.
And the rate of melanoma in that age group has risen 50 percent since
the 1980s, as tanning salons have proliferated." With these facts in
mind, "some House Democrats, such as Calif. Rep. Henry
Waxman, are urging the Food and Drug Administration to consider
reclassify tanning beds as unsafe for minors."
On its website, ABC News
(2/2, Conley) quotes Suzanne Connolly, MD, FAAD, vice president of the
American Academy of Dermatology, who stated, "The potential effect of
this report is huge."
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