Facebook's announcement of its new initiative to encourage organ
donation attracted attention from one television network and numerous
print media sources.
ABC World News (5/1, story 6, 4:15, Sawyer) reported "a big
announcement today from Facebook, where hundreds of millions of people
have the power to change the world." Every single day, "mothers,
fathers, [and] children wait on the organ transplant list, desperate,
hoping for a donation to save them. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
and his power-house top executive Sheryl Sandberg are taking action
tonight, hoping to form a link between that need and life-saving
"The company announced a plan on Tuesday morning to encourage everyone
on Facebook to start advertising their donor status on their pages,
along with their birth dates and schools -- a move that it hopes will
create peer pressure to nudge more people to add their names to the
rolls of registered organ donors," the New York Times 
(5/2, A14, Richtel, Sack, Subscription Publication) reports. "It is a
rare foray by Facebook into social engineering from
social networking, and one with a potentially profound effect, according
to experts in the field of organ donation." Experts "say people
declaring on Facebook that they are organ donors could spur others to
sign up at motor vehicle departments or online registries."
USA Today 
(5/2, Healy, Molina) reports, "Facebook is partnering with Donate Life
America, a national umbrella organization for local groups working to
increase the number of registered organ, eye and tissue donors."
Currently, "only about 43%, of US adults have signed up to be an organ
donor through a state registry -- often accessed through their state
Department of Motor Vehicles and listed on their driver's licenses."
The new initiative by Facebook "will 'help bring out the conversation
about organ donation,' said Jeffrey Punch,
chief of transplantation surgery at the University of Michigan in Ann
The AP 
(5/2) points out, "More than 112,000 Americans are waiting for organs
and 18 people die every day from the lack of available organs, according
to Donate Life America."
According to the Washington Post 
(5/1, Kliff) "Wonkblog," there is currently "not much in the way of
academic research on how social networking can influence organ donation
decisions. But if we wanted to significantly increase the number of
American organ donors, the health economics literature does suggest one
nearly-surefire strategy: Presumed consent." The Post explains, "Under
presumed consent legislation, a deceased individual is classified as a
possible donor unless he or she
explicitly objects prior to death."
The Boston Globe 
(5/2, Kotz) "Daily Dose" blog points out, "While the Facebook
initiative will, no doubt, help increase the donor pool, some experts
contend that the biggest impact on the organ shortage could occur from
people stepping up to volunteer to be living organ donors -- providing a
spare kidney or portion of their liver to someone in need. (That's, of
course, a lot tougher than giving away your organs in the event of an
unexpected and premature death.)"
In its coverage of the story, Reuters 
/FindLaw.com (5/2, Rabiner) lists the steps people should take to
become organ donors. The piece also urges readers to consider donating
blood, for which the need is always great, and/or registering on the
national bone marrow registry to help patients with blood cancers.
Also covering the story are the Memphis Business Journal 
(5/2, Epley, Subscription Publication) "Social Madness" blog, and KSAT-TV 
San Antonio, TX (5/1, 6:30 pm CDT) both on its website and on the air.
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