The Los Angeles Times 
(4/11, Kaplan) "Booster Shots" blog reports, "Nearly two-thirds of
Americans who are obese try to lose weight, and about 40% of them
actually succeed. How did they do it? The old-school way: By eating
less, exercising more and switching to more healthful foods," according
to a study 
published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Researchers
examined 4,021 adults who had been obese between 2001
and 2006 before participating in the study. As the blog post notes,
"2,523 -- or 63% -- said they had tried to lose weight in the previous
12 months. And among them, 1,026 -- or 41% -- were able to shed at
least 5% of their body weight...Even better, 510 people -- or 20% --
succeeded in losing at least 10% of their body weight." Among
participants who lost at least 10%, exercise and healthier eating -- not
shortcuts –were typical practices.
According to the Boston Globe 
(4/11, Weintraub) "Daily Dose" blog, the study's lead author, Jacinda
M. Nicklas, MD, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, noted that most
of the participants who were successful in losing significant weight
"used a multipronged approach...exercising more, eating fewer calories
and taking prescription diet pills."
The Boston Globe 
(4/11, Koven) "In Practice" blog reports that "successful dieters were
most likely to reduce fat and calories, join commercial diet programs,
and exercise. A smaller number achieved weight loss with prescription
diet pills. Liquid diets, popular ('fad') diets, diet foods and
products, and nonprescription diet pills did not produce weight loss."
The blog post adds, "This study helps change that perception by
confirming what many of us who have seen people lose weight know: it can
be done, and it doesn't require magic."
The Time 
(4/11, Sifferlin) "Healthland" blog notes that "the most popular
strategies were eating less, exercising more, eating less fat and
switching to lower-calorie foods. People who used commercial
weight-loss programs and prescription weight-loss pills also saw
success, but only a small portion of the study participants used them."
Also covering the story are MedPage
(4/11, Fiore), WebMD 
(4/11, Mann) and HealthDay 
(4/11, Doheny).
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